Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gratitudes of the Day

1. Very grateful that our head derivatives trader is out this week. The week following Op/Ex has been nice and mellow and gives us a chance to get caught up on some housekeeping items that we don't usually get the chance to bang out. I do miss the trading flow when we get slow like this, but maybe it's the respite that allows us to turn things over the way that we do.

2. Right now, I'm incredibly grateful for the post-workout feast I just knocked down. I really encourage busy professionals to have a look at The Warrior Diet. It synchs up very well with those of us who don't have much free time to eat during the day, or if you don't necessarily WANT to be lugging tupperware around. Hit me up if you'd like some ideas.

3. Grateful I scored some tickets for the Avett Brothers and DeVotchKa at Red Rocks the day before my birthday (June 30). Really looking forward to this show as I've seen DeVotchka many times, but never the Avetts.

Bonus: This is an excellent article from Dan John on Managing Options. I'm a huge proponent of taking training articles (as well as any other specialized articles) and applying them to different disciplines. You start seeing parallels and common denominators if you look for them. I'm also a big believer of Dan's "everything works for about six weeks" philosophy with regards to training.

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