Thursday, February 16, 2012

Gratitudes of the Day

1. I'm grateful to catch up with old friends last night. A friend (well, we dated for a little while) just returned to Denver from two years of living in Amsterdam and we caught up after I finished training last night. We got to swap some war stories and she showed me some cool pics from her time in Europe. For whatever reason, I have a decent-sized list of exs that have stuck around in my life as friends. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I'm sure it says something.

2. I'm grateful for the friends and relationships I've built on Twitter. I'd previously made a conscious effort to pull back a bit from Twitter and Facebook and refocus on the current world. I view it as a personal stream, but it's also an extension of my "brand". When the pendulum swings too far in the "personal" or "professional" directions, I like to shut it down for a little while until my focus returns to center. So you might see me more active on the Twitterz in the future, hopefully for the better!

3. I'm grateful for the last girl I dated and the number that she did on me. No details needed here, but suffice to say that it isn't good. In the past I had just "let things go", but I would still resent people for their behavior and there wouldn't be any closure. I'm (finally) learning in my 31.5yrs walking the Earth that sometimes you need to draw that line in the sand and just say "No, I am not cool with this". Shame it took this long!

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