Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 Gratitudes of the Day

1. I'm grateful that my friend Eric's wife was out of town for Valentines Day. Because of this, I got to go to a Great Divide beer dinner hosted by Beatrice and Woodsleys. I'm working with a nutritionist right now and I'm pretty sure beer isn't part of the plan, but this was an opportunity that I felt I couldn't pass up. 12 people and one of the brewers from Great Divide just sitting around, talking food, beer and life. Met some very cool people, ate some insanely good food and drank some phenomenal beers. It was an excellent, excellent night.

2. Incredibly grateful that my back is finally coming around a little. I had microdiscectomy in 2005 and it still gives me an issue or two now and then. I woke up yesterday feeling like my SI joints were totally out of whack, so the order of the day was some foam roller and adjustments. Even after sitting in hard chair for 4 hrs last night, all seems right in the world this morning. Which is good, because tonight's workout is a heavy one.

3. I am incredibly grateful that pictures like this exist in the world.

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