Friday, February 17, 2012

Gratitudes of the Day

1. I'm grateful for the upcoming market holiday on Monday. Option expiry has been a brutal one for us, and an extra day to recharge a bit is gonna be excellent. My only fear is that, with the German news that their president is stepping down, a long weekend for US markets is a good time to announce something ridiculous. Plus I get to do all that awesome stuff that doesn't get done during the week, like laundry!

2. Grateful for my training partners for changing my squat form. My squat has started moving again after being stale for about 6 months. Very fulfilling (and slightly weird) to see that moving up as my bodyweight moves down.

3. Grateful to my core group of friends. A friend from work last night said "You have got the weirdest group of friends I have ever seen." I think we should all be so lucky as to have a group of "weird" friends. I count among my closest friends two aerial dance performers, a consultant, a director for the New Teacher Project, two energy traders, a real estate developer, a cleantech startup president, a fashion and makeup blogger, two pro strongmen and an event planner. I like to think that they keep me on my toes because any conversation feels like I'm getting my learn on at the same time. One dimension is fine for cartoons, but you gotta live in three!

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