Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gratitudes of the Day

1. I'm grateful that the dishwasher is fixed!

2. Grateful to a friend of mine, who gave me some Teatulia ginger tea a few weeks ago when I was sick. Besides the kindness and compassion (which is always appreciated), this is some damn fine tea! I had to dilute the ginger tea down because it's so strong. Highly recommend it.

3. I think my back is grateful for taking today away from the gym. I tweaked my squat form a bit to emphasize more hamstring/glutes and less quads. With that comes more pressure on the low back as well, so I'm having to set aside a little more time here and there for foam roller, lacrosse ball and some other prehab stuff. All in the name of keeping myself off the surgeon's table (again).

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