Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Moving UP a Weight Class by Dieting DOWN

First order of business in moving up a weight class: diet down.


I'm moving out of the 94s and into the 105s. I competed in strongman as a 105, but my body composition sucked. With the application of Carb Backloading and Carb Nite (information on both diets via Dangerously Hardcore), I've been able to recomp and maintain weight in the 210-215 range with my lifts steadily rising. The fact that my squats have been moving up consistently leads me to be believe that some weight gain might be just what the doctor ordered.

So why diet down first? Why not just keep going with backloads full of pho, cherry turnovers, doughnuts and gummy worms? Two reasons:

1. Diet Rebound. Shelby Starnes and John Meadows discuss the idea of a post-contest diet "rebound effect" where the body makes huge gains in strength and muscle mass. I don't think it's any coincidence that these squat gains have come after twelve weeks of Carb Nite. Gaining weight just for the sake of gaining weight is pointless and is an excuse to eat like a fat kid. Don't forget: Excuses = You Suck.

2. Injury. My hand isn't in good shape. In fact, I'm seeing a surgeon later this week for another opinion and an MRI. It's been five weeks since the injury and it hasn't meaningfully improved. I still can't do any Oly lifts or overhead pressing and pulling from the floor causes soreness, swelling and general uselessness. As far as any athletic endeavor, my left hand is about as useful as a poopy flavored lollypop. The amount of volume I can do isn't enough to warrant Carb-Backloading. This also means limited upper body work, although I'm still working the good arm. My right arm still has some nerve damage left over from rugby so this is my chance to get it caught up to the left arm. Training really revolves around the Safety Squat Bar and the Front Squat.

My plan is Carb Nite until I'm back to full training, with my Carb Nite planned for Thursdays so I can reload for Saturday's max day. I've been known to have a carb hangover or get leg cramps in my sleep, so I don't like training the morning after Carb Nite. I'll record measurements, bodyweight and snap photos...PG-rated of course. Standard issue, incredibly embarrassing bathroom mirror shots of course.

Barring further hand setbacks, the other 7-8 months of 2013 will be an illustration in how to effectively gain GOOD weight and add kilos to my total using Carb-Backloading and Olympic weightlifting. Filling out as a useful, non-sloppy 105kg lifter will be a multi-year process, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

Starting Measurements (from 12/28)

Neck: 16.5"
Chest (at the nipple line): 41"
Waist (around the belly button): 36 1/4"
Hips (at the widest part): 43"
Thigh (at the largest part): 26 1/4"
Bicep (unflexed, at the widest part): 15"

Embarrassing Bathroom Mirror Pic #1

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