Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Training Week That Was - 1/6 - 1/12

I put up a separate post with my eating for this week. This was about as close to an ideal Carb Nite week as it gets, so I wanted to get it down for posterity and for anyone who has questions. The squatting set-up is a variation on the "Texas Method" with a few tweaks that I picked up from Glenn Pendlay. The old tricks are still some of the best tricks.

Bunch of sled dragging using a dip belt
Abs x300 (incl low back)
Four Way Neck Machine

Squat Sitting

Longish Warmup
SSB Squat barx5x2 70x5 90x4 110x3 120x5 125x5x2 130x5x3
GH Raise - 50 reps bw
Standing Abs/Hypers/Cal Extensions - a ton of each

I also got my hand examined and more x-rays. Apparently I have a bone chip wedged in my hand someplace. Pretty sure that's not good.

Epsom salt bath and a lot of sitting in a squat

Front Squat barx5x2 60x4x2 90x3x2 110x3 122x5x5 125x5
(Need longer warmup; squats didn't start feeling good until 3rd/4th sets at 122)
Cal Back Ext and Standing Abs - 3x12 of each
Rev Hypers and Hanging Leg Raise - 2x12 each

Carb Nite Wk Two - Measurements
Neck: 16 3/4"
Chest: (at the nipple line): 40.5"
Waist: (around the belly button): 34 3/4"
Hips: (at the widest part): 42.5"
Thigh: (at the largest part): 25.5"
Bicep: (unflexed, at the widest part): 15"
Weight: 208.8

Some foam rolling and squat sitting, nothing special.

Longish Warmup
SSB - bar x5x2 70x5x2 100x4 120x3 130x5 145x5 155x4 140x5x3
-first non-PR in awhile. Since I didn't make a PR I had to get my five sets done. Dieting might be kicking in, but I also took a bad jump from 145-155. I should have done a set of 1-2 at 150 just to feel it a bit. Hindsight 20/20; get it next time.
GH Raise - bwx6x2 10kgx6x2 15kgx4x2
Standing Abs - 5x10
Hypers and Traction

I'm still waiting for the MRI results, but right now I know I have a bone chip wedged in my hand. It's been six weeks since I hurt it and it is getting better, very slowly but surely. Most of me really wants to just get it removed so I can get on with training. The surgeon that I saw seems to think surgery won't be necessary and just said it'll be sore for another few months. I'm wondering if maybe it isn't so displaced that it needs to be taken out? I have a laundry list of questions to ask when I talk to him on Monday. Either way, I'm resisting the urge to start testing it out until I get back from Iceland. That'll be approx nine weeks post-injury and a good 6-7 weeks of actual rest.

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