Monday, January 28, 2013

The Training Week That Was - 1/20 - 1/26

Bar Work
Front Push Press 5x5 50kg (whoopedy doo)
DB Row 60x12 80x10 90x8x3
Pulldown 5x12
Prowler Walk and Sled Drag - four total trips (It was like 60 by 10am here so I had to get outside)

Front Squat barx3x2 60x3x2 80x2 110x2 130x2 140x1 150x1 157x0x2 (Re-joined Team Blackout on the second rep. Still struggling with the straps.)
GH Raise 3x6 w/ 10kg
Suns Out Guns Out
Planks - 3x1min

OH Sqt x50/Sots x50/Sled Drag x4 trips/Very heavy Hip Traction
Muscle Snatch 3x3 40kg
Snatch Pull w/ Pause at Knee - 70x2x3 90x2x2 100x2x2 110x2
Snatch DL w/ two pauses from small deficit - 90x3 110x3 120x3x3
B Sqt 110x5x2 120x5 (Just feeling these out again. Taping wrist makes huge difference here)
1100# Abs: 4x15 of each, in circuit: Standing Abs/Ab Wheel/Grappler Abs/Cal Back Raise

1/23-1/25 - No training, just traveling. Did a shitload of walking and hiking, which counts as my steady state cardio for 2013.

1/26 - Trained at Magnus Ver Magnusson's gym, Jackabol. Pretty much spent the whole time playing around on all of his toys, nothing worth noting. Incidentally: there is ZERO info out there on his gym, but it is sick. It's in an old warehouse, no signage, no real way to tell where it is. From the outside you'd think there might be hobos living in it. It is also one of the most amazing gyms on the planet. This is a tour of the gym from a couple of years ago. It's a bit old, but gives you a pretty good idea of the place. If you can't get strong in a place like that, you just can't get strong.

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