Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Training Week That Was - 1/13 - 1/19

A shit ton of rehab/prehab, neck, ab and low back work. No idea on sets/reps; hell I barely remember the exercises. This was the epitome of easy like Sunday morning. I went in, drank some coffee, did whatever the hell I felt like doing, BS'd with gym peeps.

One thing I do remember and I want to recommend is posture work with a band, with set-up demonstrated by Jim Smith of Diesel. Desk monkeys (like me) typically have atrocious posture (guilty) and this transfers to everything else that you do. Falling forward in the squat and losing cleans/snatches/jerks in front can be caused or exacerbated by being unable to maintain an upright torso OR not having the strength to resist forces pushing you forward. Either way, throw that move from Smitty into your warm-up or just as a morning workout. I like wall-slides when I'm in the office just to open up and pray to the sun god a bit.
Full Disclosure: I have ducked into a bathroom stall to do wall slides.

1/14 - Squat sitting and an Epsom Salt bath

SSB Squat barx5x2 70x5x2 100x3 110x3 122x5 125x5 127x5 130x5 135x5
-finally might be figuring out the SSB a bit
GH Raise 10kgx6 15kgx5x2 10kgx8x5
Standing Abs 5x12
Neck/Halo/GH Situp 100 reps each

1/16 - Buncha nuthin

Carb Nite Wk Three - Measurements
Neck: 17"
Chest: (at the nipple line): 40 1/4"
Waist: (around the belly button): 35"
Hips: (at the widest part): 42 3/4"
Thigh: (at the largest part): 25 3/4"
Bicep: (unflexed, at the widest part): 15"
Weight: 209.8

Some clean and snatch bar work to warm up (getting better)
Standing Absx30 Posture x40
Front Squat up to 122x5x5 (no gas and caught a bleeder on my first set. Wah wah waaaahh)
Two Pause Snatch Pull 3x3 w/ 10 count negative on the last rep of each set
Two Pause Clean Pull 3x3 w/ 10 count negative on the last rep of each set
Standing Abs + GH Raise 5x10
Cal Back + Hanging Leg Raise

I'm pulling pain there's that.

SSB Squat (in lbs) barx5x2 155x5x2 205x3 245x3 295x2 335x1 365x1 385x1 400x0
-Never tried a max with the SSB, so I'll take 385 (approx 175kg). A better way to run up to max single would've been a few weeks of singles/doubles/triples, but I wanted to get this and my front squat maxed out before I go to Iceland. Starting back squatting soon, so (hopefully) this will be my last SSB squatting for a little while. No idea on a goal for 2013, just taking the squatting a few kilos at a time.
Standing Abs 4x10

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