Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Training Week That Was - 2/3 - 2/9

2/3 (I just realized that I trained six days in a row last week. That wasn't smart.)
Back Squat - bar x5x2 60x5x2 90x4 110x4 130x5 150x5 160x5
-Second back squat in about nine weeks and didn't wrap the wrist. Also only 5kg off my previous PR set of five. I'll take it.
Push Press 50x5 60x5 70x5 (caused pain/wrist too weak to keep going) 60x5x2
Lying BB Row bunch of sets
DB Row 105x8 110x8x3
Pressdown/Curl/Pull Thru - 60 of each
1100lb Abs: 4x15 Standing Abs/Cal Back/Neck/Grappler/Ab Wheel

Sots Press 25 reps  OH Squat 25 reps (No wraps. Wrist getting more stable!)
Muscle Snatch 3x3 60kg (smoked these)
Snatch High Pull w/ Pause 70x3x3 90x2x2 100x2x2 110x2 120x2x2
-Snatch High Pull + Pause at Knee High Pull  4x2 100kg
Snatch DL from Deficit w/ Two Pauses 100x3 120x3 130x3 130x3 140x3 (140 prob too much right now)
Back Squat 135x5x2 205x5 255x4 300x5 315x5x3 (Last set was my best. Hate when that happens.)
1100# Abs: 4x15 Standing Abs/Cal Back/Wheel

OH Sqt/Sots Press/Ankle Stretch
Pwr Clean up to 90x3x3 (getting closer)
Front Push Press 3x5 60kg
Behind Neck Press 4x8 40kg
Meadows Row  5x12
Seated Row 5x10
Curls/Band Shoulder Complex/Pressdowns - 60 each

Sots/OH Squats/Sled Drag/GH Raise
Clean with a Pause: 50x3x2 70x2x3 90x2x2 100x1x3 110x0 110x1 110x0 110x1x2 115x1 120x1 125x0 (jammed the shit out of my RIGHT hand this time. Not bad, just ridiculous)
Down Sets: Clean Pull + Floating Clean - bunch of sets at 70-80. Just could not get the timing right and the hand was bothering me, so I left well enough alone.
Clean Pull - Two Pauses from Deficit: 70x3 100x3 120x3x2 130x3x2 140x3x3
Front Squat 60x5x2 95x4 110x4 125x3 130x3x3
1100# Abs - 4x15 Grappler/Standing/Cal/Ab Wheel

Sots/OH Squats (getting sick of seeing me write that down yet?)
Snatch up to 50kgx2x2 then pulls up to 130x2x2
Pwr Clean up to 100x2x3 then left well enough alone

Cupid's Undie Run: A friend of mine works for Children's Tumor Foundation and puts on the Cupid's Undie Run. Me, being a sucker for anything that induces shame for a good cause, have partaken the last two years. This year I somehow managed to pull not one, but both of my calves. Running in Chuck Taylors maybe not the best idea after spending most of my days in weightlifting shoes and dress shoes? I'm limping around like an idiot this morning. Will there be pictures? Only time will tell...

...OK so you get one:

This is a bonus video and goes along with my previous post regarding zazen. Andy's website is here. I can't personally vouch for it, but I've read some very good things.

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