Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Training Week That Was - 1/27 - 2/2

No training on 1/27 or 1/28 as I was traveling and recovering from an epic lack of sleep/jetlag. This entire week I've been fighting the Icelandic flu that I brought back with me. I hope I didn't kick off a pandemic here Stateside. Back to regular programming next week.

Long Warmup (left IT band is really sticky up in my hip socket)
Muscle Snatch up to 50kg 3x3
Snatch with a Pause at Knee 40x3x2 50x3x2 60x3 - Pull only 80x2x3 100x2 110x1x3
Snatch DL, two pauses from slight deficit 90x3 110x3 120x3x3
Back Squat (lbs) 135x5 185x5 225x3 265x5x2 275x5
1100# Abs - 4x15 of each in circuit: Standing Abs/Ab Wheel/Cal Back Extensions/Grappler Abs

Short Warmup (I never need much of a warmup on back to back days)
OH Sqt x25
Pwr Snatch + OH Squat (3+1) 40x1x2 50x1 60x1
Pwr Clean 40x3x2 60x3x2 80x3
Standing Press 5x5 50kg
Meadows Row 5x12
Lat Pulldown 5x12
Single Arm DB Press 4x12
Hammer Curl/Pressdown/Pull Thru - 60 reps each

1/31 - Getting closer...
Shorter Warmup
OH Squat and Sots Press - 25 reps each
CJ/ pause at the knee - 40x a bunch 60x1x2 80x1x3 90x1x3 (hand no good overhead)
-clean only 100x1x2 110x0 110x1 (All of these felt real smooth; not heavy, just new. Nine weeks of just squatting might pay some dividends.)
Down Sets: Clean Pull + Hang Clean - 80x1x3 90x1x2
Clean Pull - two pauses from a deficit 90x3 110x3 130x3x4
Front Squat (NO STRAPS) - 60x5 80x3 100x3 110x3 120x3x3
1100 lb abs - 4x15 Standing Abs/Ab Wheel/Cal Back Extension/Grappler Abs

2/1 - Not my usual, just messing around with my friend's Oly class at Centennial Crossfit
Snatch - only up to around 135lbs for a couple singles. Wrist is entirely too unstable at the bottom of the snatch. Wrist isn't strong enough for all the shear forces just yet. Lot of Sots Press and Overhead Squats for the foreseeable. It's also making me change my positioning, which is putting more pressure further down my arm and gonna lead to an injury somewhere else in the kinetic chain if I don't get this sorted out. Also took the plunge and ordered some wrist wraps from Eleiko. Knee sleeves and wrist wraps; I'm turning into such a gear whore
Clean from Abv Knee - doubles up to 255lbs
Bunch of Clean and Snatch Pulls

Overhead Squats, Sots Presses
Snatched up to 60kg
Cleaned up to 100kg
Just came in and got something done to keep everything supple and bouncy. I want some legs for tomorrow's squats.

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