Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Week That Was - 3/18 - 3/24

Look and Listen:
-Glenn Pendlay and Team Muscledriver has a new podcast series here. The discussion on nutrition in particular is a really good one. Glad to see elite level weightlifters and coaches advocating a high fat diet and getting down on heavy cream and butter in coffee.
-Josh Brown sez we've learned nothing
-Free CFA study materials here. (also some subscription stuff)
-Thick McRunFast: The many nicknames of David Ryder from Mystery Science Theater 3000
-One of my favs from The Gaslight Anthem
-The Book of Awesome by Fake Grimlock (I'm a backer)

Deload Week(ish; I got after it on Saturday and Sunday but five good days of light lifting)
Sots Press
Snatch + Below Knee Snatch - up to 70 for a couple sets
1+2 for down sets
Clean Pull + Below Knee CJ up to 100x1
Clean-Clean-Jerk - 3 sets @ 90
Back Squat 70x5 100x5 130x5x2

Sots Press
Pwr Snatch up to 70kg for some doubles (this is awkward as hell)
Pwr Clean up to 100kg for some doubles
Jerks - Two front jerks + two back jerks at 100kg for some sets
Chins + Standing Abs - Three sets

Snatch from High Blocks to 70kg for some doubles
Pendlay Snatch Complex (Snatch + Hang Snatch + OH Squat + Drop Snatch) two sets @ 60
CJ from High Blocks to 90 for some doubles
Klokov Complex - two sets at 90
Front Squat 60x3 80x3 100x3x2

3/22 - Roller. Got on a scale for first time in months: 216.6lbs (98.4kg). Perfecto. Just clean the backloads up a wee bit and that'll come off real quick.

3/23 @ Centennial Crossfit/Weightlifting
Snatch up to 205lbs for four singles, then missed 215 twice
CJ up to 260lbsx1 275x1x2 no jerk
-The full lifts both feel shitty but they're getting less shitty, so that's a step in the right direction.

Muscle Snatch + OH Squat (2+2) 50x1x3 60x1x2
Back Squat barx5x2 70x5 100x4 120x4 135x3 150x3 160x5
Pause Squat 140x2x4
Front Push Press 50x5 70x5 80x5 87x5
Chest Supported Machine Row - buncha sets
JM Press and Grappler Abs - buncha sets
Barbell Hip Thrusts and Banded Hip Thrusts- buncha sets
Band Traction

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