Monday, December 10, 2012

The Training Week That Was - 12/2 - 12/8

Snatch bar work (can't catch cleans or overhead squat yet)
Back Squat 60x5 90x4 120x5 (left hand/wrist not strong enough to keep bar on shoulders, so I junked this)
SSB Squat 70x5 100x5 125x3 135x3 145x3 155x3 (PR) / 110x4 120x4 130x4
DB Row 85x8 110x8x2 115x8 120x8
Lat Pulldown/Barbell Hip Thrust - four sets of each
Jerk bar work (can't put the bar in a front squat position but can do some limited technique work)
Cal Back Extension/GH Situp five sets of each
Reverse Hypers and Traction

Snatch Pulls - up to 130kg x 2x7 or 8 sets
Clean Pulls - up to 150kg x 2x5 or 6 sets; did some pull + hang pulls at 130kg
Back Squat - 110x5 130x5 135x5x4 (hand MUCH better than Sunday but still weak)
GH Raises - 35 reps at BW, pushed pad out to make these harder
Single Leg Glute Bridges and Reverse Hypers

10 mins lying on roller (to open up discs)
Snatch Pull 12x1 @ 110
Clean Pull 12x1 @ 140
Front Squat (w/ straps) up to 130x2 120x3x2
Posterior Chain Work


So I'm admitting defeat on my hand. The healing process is clearly not being helped by my pulls and half-assed attempts at bar work and overhead squats. The best thing I can do right now is give it rest. Which means that pulling is out and a lot of upper body work is out. What can I do without putting any pressure on the hand? Well, I can front squat with crossed arms and I can squat with the Safety Squat Bar. I can do all my usual lower body work as long as it doesn't involve holding anything. I'm going to be a bit creative and try to get some upper back work done. For the next few weeks though, it's pretty much all legs and squats all the time. Not an entirely unsavory proposition, just not what I'd prefer to be working on with sevenish weeks to go until a meet. This probably means I need to step up my squats to four days a week to make up for the missing leg stimulation. Next week you'll see my basic idea for training around this injury while keeping my template about the same.

PS: I noticed that I've been getting a lot of hits from Russia and Germany lately, so "Спасибо за чтение" to my Russian friends and "Danke fürs Lesen" for the Germans out there. Drop me a suggestion or comment sometime!

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