Thursday, September 20, 2012

New Training Block

As long as no one objects, I'm going to start logging my training and some nutrition here weekly. If you're all (un)lucky, I might even post the gratuitous "Cell phone pic in the bathroom mirror" pic. 

Regarding training: I'm working off of a template that Glenn Pendlay outlines here. I've struggled in the past with finding a balance between strength work and Olympic work. Typically I've erred in the direction of the quick lifts and haven't done enough general strength work. The planning that Glenn outlined offers me a good template, which also allowing me some freedom to address my specific needs such as back strength and pressing. 

Below is my basic split idea; as always open to changes and interpretations:

Saturday - Max Day
Maximal Lifts in Snatch and CJ - chasing PRs

Sunday - Max Squat Day
Back Squat - up to a 5RM
Push Press - up to a 5RM
Pressing and Upper Back 

Monday - Off (typically AM: Contrast Shower and PM: Epsom Salt bath)

Tuesday - Complex Work
Snatch Complex w/ 2-3 down sets
CJ Complex w/ 2-3 down sets
Back Squat 3x5 (non-maximal)
(Maybe a "complex" complex with 4-8 reps)

Wednesday - Lighter Olys and Strength
Snatch Exercise 
Clean Exercise
Push Press
Upper Back

Thursday - 
Snatch from Hang/Box - max single with down sets
CJ from Hang/Box - max single with down sets
Front Squat - 3x3 heavy
Low Body Extras

Friday - Off (AM: Contrast Shower and PM: Epsom Salt bath)

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