Friday, September 14, 2012

Estes Park Write Up

I closed out the Highland Games season at Estes Park last weekend with some of my training partners. We started and ended the day with a nip of good Scotch and in general had a great time. First time in over a year that we've been able to all compete together. We've splintered a bit as far as training and competing together, so it was really great to all get together and have a day of fun in the sun. Derek finished 3rd in the A class, while Reggie (1st), Beau (2nd), Justin (9th) and I (5th) were in the B-class. I'm waiting for some more pics to come back from the Estes folks, but below are some of the crew all kilted out. Personally, I threw pretty much in line with how recent practices has been, with one exception: the sheaf. I haven't thrown over 22ft all year with a 20lb bag (I MIGHT have hit 23 once in training), but for some reason I got a wild hair up my kilt and hit 26ft with two near misses at 27. I made a couple tweaks to my finish and that seems to have opened up some power. Gives me something to build on over the winter.

Derek (aka the Barge) is making a run at Pro-level and Reggie and Beau could both make the A-standard if they would train the throws a little bit. Beau is former pro lightweight strongman and Reggie is a really high level amateur strongman, so they have power in spades. Personally, I'm in this weird spot where I give up 50-60lbs to most other competitors, but I'm about ten pounds heavy for the lightweight class (sub-190lbs) as defined in Colorado. A lot of the other games' seem to be pushing the lightweight class to sub-200 and I'm hopeful the RMSA adopts the same standards. Regardless of weight class, I have plenty of technique that needs to be improved. Here are some pics. Goddamn we're a good looking group. 

 From left: Beau, Justin, Reggie, my ass

 From left: Beau, no idea, no idea, Reggie, Justin, myself
 The Entire B-Class from Estes Park
 Beau (with Fat Tire), Justin, Reggie, me (the look on my face says "I got hit in the head with a Braemar")

Justin, Beau, Reggie, me

B-Class Results by Event:

1. Reggie - 664 avg
2. Beau - 631 avg
5. Kyle - 564 avg
9. Justin - 472 avg

Hvy Ht:
1. Reggie - 27.2ft
3. Beau - 24.6
8. Kyle - 19.9
10. Justin - 17.8

Lt Wt
3. Reggie - 47.3
4. Beau - 46.7
5. Kyle - 46.3 (I have to say this: I scratched my third throw @ 50'2", would've been a PR)
9. Justin - 38

Lt Hammer
1. Reggie - 97.3 (CRUSHED this)
2. Beau - 86.5
6. Kyle - 80.9
9. Justin - 54

3. Reggie - 30.5
4. Beau - 28.8
6. Kyle - 26
9. Justin - 21.5

2. Beau - 11:55
3. Reggie - 1:05
6. Justin - 11:59 (scoring minutes this close is nuts, esp in a B-class; should've been a 12:00)
10. Kyle - 1:10 (My timing is atrocious with caber; always late. Glaring weakness, needs work)

1. Kyle - 26ft (BIG 2ft PR; I made 24 my first year at 230lbs. Now I'm 205.)
4. Beau - 21ft
5. Reggie - 20ft
6. Justin - 18ft

Wt for Ht
1. Reggie - 13 (SO CLOSE at 14. I think Reg just got tired)
4. Beau - 11
6. Kyle - 10 (PR is 12, which I threw at 230. Had height, left them in front of the bar.)
9. Justin - 10

We also got to see a couple world records as Dan McKim set a new North American record in the light hammer and Matt Vincent set a world record in the open stone. The pro guys are absolutely insane with the torque they generate as well as the distances they're throwing. Fun to watch and got to chat with Matt as well as Sean Betz, who has helped me out with some technique.

Great times with these guys all around. Thanks to the Estes Park Scottish Festival and the Rocky Mountain Scottish Athletes for all the help. Also thanks to Armbrust Pro Gym for supporting us...well, really for putting  up with us. Dylan creates an epic training environment for anyone who wants to improve themselves and we could not do the things we do without having a place like Armbrust to call home.

Personally, I also need to thank Steve Pulcinella for writing me a training program which I used for the bulk of the season. I added some legit length to my throws throughout the year and also added 10kg to my Olympic weightlifting total using Steve's programming. I would HIGHLY recommend Steve for anything regarding getting stronger and, if you're in the Philly area, he would be an unbelievable Highland Games coach and IronSport Gym is second to NONE. Follow him on twitter at @StevePulcinella and his log at EliteFTS.

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