Saturday, June 29, 2013

Training Week - 6/24-6/30

This is a semi-deload kind of week and I am horrible at deloading. I have no burning desire to focus and dial in to do lightened lifts and lower percentages. That's really the whole point of a deload anyways, so I'm not terribly concerned about the weights I hit or how they feel. If you're overly stressed about your deloads, you might need to reassess your training life in general. Much bigger fish to fry. Do less than usual, don't lose sleep over it.

GH Raise/Pulldown Abs -three sets each
Pendlay Sn Complex x 2 (Snatch + Mid Hang Snatch + OH Squatx2 + Balance)
Snatch to 90x1 100x1 105x1 110x0 107x0x2
Sn Pull - 100x3 110x3 120x3x4
B Sqt - to 170x1 then 140x2 150x2x2
Good Morning - 90x5 100x5x2

Sots Press 3x10
Pwr Sn + Push Press (1+3): 70x1 80x1x2 75x1x3
Pwr Cl + Push Jerk - 100x1x3 90x1x5
F Sqt to 120x1

Jerk Complex (Pwr Cl + Press + Press to Splitx2 + Push Press) x3
CJ to 110x1
C Pull - 130x3 150x3x2 160x3x2
B Sqt to 140x1
GM 70x5 90x5x2

Hang Leg Raise/Rev Hyper/Lateral Raises
Pwr Snatch - 70x2x3 75x2x3
Pwr Cl + Push Press (1+3) - 80x1x2 90x1
12 Chins + 200m row x three sets

Snatch to 90x2 90x1 100x1 90x1 (r shoulder hurting. Managed to stretch a nerve a bit doing some ab wheels on 6/27. Really cranky)
Clean up to 100x2 110x1, then Pwr Cln 100x1x3
C Pull - 130x3x5 140x3x2

Climbed the Incline in Colorado Springs. Yes, weightlifters climb too.

Totally thrilling deload week, no?

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