Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Week That Was - 5/6 - 5/12

Some excellent mobilizations for a better bottom position from California Strength

5/7 (Still working through this new pull, so just did the full lifts)
Snatch up to 96x1x3  (no misses and lots of reps over 90%)
CJ - 100x1x3 110x1x2 120x1 125x1 130xFJ (no missed cleans, all very sharp)
Clean DL/Pull (no real finish to toes, just fast pull to 1st Position) - TON of doubles and triples here at 150-160

5/8 - Long Walk

Muscle Snatch 70x3x2 75x2 80x0
High Hang Snatch to 80x1x2 (cut this short because a squat rack opened up)
Front Squat - to 140x1 120x3x3
High Hang CJ to 120x1
(My groove from above the knee to the hip needs some work. Doing some extras as warmups this week)

5/11 - Last heavy day with the full lifts
Sots Press - barx10 40kgx5x2
Snatch - up to 92x1 97x1 102x0x2 100x0
CJ - up to 105x1 115x1 122x1 127x1 132x0
Sled Drags - three trips
Reverse Hypers

Sled Drags and OH Squat - 3x10 w/ bar only
Front Squat 60x3x2 80x3 100x2 125x2 140x1 152x1
Random Stuff + Traction

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