Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Week That Was - 5/13 - 5/19

"Making plans for the future is of use only to people who are capable of living completely in the present" - Alan Watts

Starting the week around 96kg, so it's 50/50 whether I cut for 94s or just lift in the 105s. I'd had this magic idea of moving into 105s but...well, as a friend of mine delicately put it: "You're too short for 105". This, of course, is a really nice way of saying "Lose some weight fatty". So we stay on the grind and I'll probably cut down to 94.

5/13 - Acupuncture and Chiro

5/14 MORE acupuncture and chiro - I woke up Tuesday morning with my back basically locked up. For whatever reason, getting adjusted and then lying face down on a table getting needled for an hour really wrecked my SI joints.

Snatch complex up to 80x1 then did three singles at 80, just testing the back out.
Klokov complex up to 105x1
Last carbs tonight until after weigh-ins

Snatch up to 90x1
CJ up to 110x1
Shit ton of rumble rolling

AM - Chiro and Acupuncture
Lots of napping and generally lying around on my ass.

5/18 - Meet Day!
Started the day by checking the scale. Weighing in at a robust 93.6 kilos, I could eat and drink a bit without wrecking my weight. I went with decaf coffee with coconut oil and whey in the morning and worked through a pound of bacon throughout the day. I'm used to running on fat anyways, so not a huge stretch for me. I wanted high calories bang with Sipped some water throughout the day, foam rolled a bunch and squeezed in some reverse hypers to get my back opened up a bit. My legs were super stiff from lying around all day on Friday. #firstworldproblems

Flatirons Crossfit ran an awesome meet. This is the most "on time" meet I've ever been a part of, especially considering the size of the sessions. 14-16 lifters in each of five sessions with six attempts each is between 84-96 lifts per session. Squeezing those into a two hour period while simultaneously getting the next session weighed in in not easy. I've been to meets where the last session is cleaning by moonlight. They got each session started in a two hour window, with sessions beginning at 9am-11am-1pm-3pm-5pm. They have a perfect facility for weightlifting; plenty of platforms, very good bars and kilo plates everywhere. I highly recommend if you're in Boulder or the surrounding area that you check them out. Slowly but surely the Front Range is building a very solid weightlifting community. Along with Flatirons Weightlifting, Paul Fleschler has a very good program going on down in Colorado Springs with Front Range Weightlifting. 2010 World team member Rachel Crass is coaching and building a program at Centennial Weightlifting. The I-25 corridor is becoming a very good space to get some excellent coaching in the Olympic lifts.

                                       Thanks MuscleDriver, USAW and Oskar Blues Brewing

Meet Results:
Snatch - 95-100-102x
CJ - 120x-125x-125

225 total, good for 2nd place in the 94s. 6th overall.

Yet another 3/6 showing with yet another poor performance in the jerk. I got a little unlucky in that my 120 opener got turned down 2-1 for a press out. I shouldn't have let it be that close; 120 is a smoke show jerk in training. I'm still thinking through these technique changes instead of being able to really cut it loose. I hit the goals that I had in mind for my second attempts (100/125), but I had ideas on 102 and 130 for my thirds. In a perfect world, I left seven kilos on the platform. But I got past my openers while entirely changing my jerk and my pull techniques last week. Tough to be too pissed about that. The playlist for my videos is here. The jerks are a bit ugly, as is the 102 snatch that wasn't even close. I've embedded my third CJ below (125) that I made to avoid bombing out of the meet. I'm proud of this jerk as I actually dropped my elbows and brought in my feet. Maybe after another 10,000 attempts it'll start sinking into my skull.

So what's next?

A week or two of downtime, a week or so of real live lifting and then back to the grind. A couple of my rules for the week after a meet: no more than 60mins at a time in the gym, no barbells, no squats, lots of unilateral work, sled and Prowler work, nap a lot, drink a beer or two and LIGHTEN UP FRANCIS.

No planned meet on the horizon so I want to get a little banged up and beaten down in this upcoming block. I would imagine this will entail a lot more squatting as my squat seems to go up when I train it constantly. Squatting three day a week (for triples and fives) previously helped move my 5RM up a bunch (from 130-165) in short order, but that didn't really transfer over to my max, which has been stale at around 180-190kg for a year now.

Oh, I also hit the gym on 5/19 and did an hour of sled dragging and a ton of traction and low back rehab work.

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