Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Week That Was - 4/1 - 4/7

"The world is coming to a bunch of pants-shitting mouth breathers that don't want to do any work."

In many, if not most cases, breakfast sucks.

TenSexyLadies: the most sanitarium-worthy tumblr you'll read today.

Henry Rollins vs. Iggy Pop. Spoiler alert: IGGY WINS.

Upcoming shows in Denver, CO: Gaslight Anthem at the Ogden, Lucero at the Bluebird, Face to Face at the Gothic Theater.

Sots Press + Russian Balance 40x1x2 45x1x2
Snatch + Below Knee Snatch 50xsome 60x1x3 70x1x2 77x1 85x1 90x0 (made first) 80x1x2
Pendlay Sn Complex (snatch+abv knee snatch+OH Sqt+Snatch Balance) 70x1 75x1 80x1x2
Clean Pull + Below Knee CJ 60xsome 80x1x2 90x1 100x1 110x1 115x1 120x1
Klokov Complex 90x1 95x1 100x1 105x0 (missed push press)
Back Squat bar x5 70x5 100x4 130x5 135x5 140x5
Heavy Reverse Hypers - Three sets

OH Squat - 40x10 40x10 50x10
Sots Press - barx5x2 40x3x3 50x3
Pwr Snatch - 60x2x4 70x2x3 75x2
Pwr Clean + Pwr Jerk - 60xsome 80x2x2 90x1x2 100x1 110x1
Back Jerk 60xsome 80x3x2 90x2x2 100x2x2 110x2 120x1

Muscle Snatch + OH Squat (1+3) 40x1x2 50x1x2
Box Snatch 50x3 60x3 70x2 80x2 85x1 90x1 95x1 100x0 80x2x3
Box CJ - 60x3 80x1x2 90x1x2 100x1 110x1 (got chatty and got cold, so I shut this down)
F Sqt - 60x3 90x3 110x2 120x1 130x1x2

4/6 (almost back to pre-injury levels)
Snatch - bar x bunch 50xbunch 65xbunch 75x2x2 85x1x2 92x1 80x1 85x1 90x1 95x1 100x0x2/ 110x2x2 high pull
CJ - bar x bunch 70 x bunch 90x2x2 100x1x2 110x1 117x1 122x1 127x1 132x0 120x1/130x3 140x2 high pull only
Bar work and Sots Press to cool down

Muscle Snatch + OH Squat + Snatch Balance (1+2+1) 40x1 50x1x2 60x1x2 70x1
Back Squat - barx5x2 70x5 70x3 100x3 130x3 150x2 170x1 180x1 150x2 170x1 175x1
Pause Squat - 140x2x4
Front Push Press - barx5x2 50x5 70x5x2 80x5 90x5 95x5 85x5x3
Pendlay Row 5x8
GH Raise/Chins/JM Press - Three sets each

600m of tempo (10x60m) with abs between runs

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