Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movember Eve

Twas the night before Movember, and in unit 608
My clippers are stirring, full of spite and hate
With bad intentions for my five o'clock shadow
While in the background were echoes of Rachel Maddow

OK that was really bad; you try rhyming "shadow". The point is this: Halloween is also Movember Eve. For those of you that don't know about Movember, it's a month of growing a moustache with donations to benefit testicular and prostate cancer research. My rugby club has done this for many years and, although I don't play any longer, I still participate in raising some coin for a cause I believe in and having some fun with my ex-teammates and friends. It seems to go over well in finance, especially with out of towners who don't know me as being mustachioed.

My Mo Space is right here; I'll be updating as we go through the month with some pics of myself as well as great staches in history. I'm currently displaying former Cubs' closer The Shooter Rod Beck and Iron Mike Ditka. So give early and give often; prostates and testicles all over the world need your support.

Seriously for a sec: a couple of my good friends went through treatments for testicular cancer and were incredibly lucky. It's a cause I feel very strongly about and it resonates with me. You don't have to donate to me, but have a look, have a read and support someone.

Da Coach

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