Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movember Eve

Twas the night before Movember, and in unit 608
My clippers are stirring, full of spite and hate
With bad intentions for my five o'clock shadow
While in the background were echoes of Rachel Maddow

OK that was really bad; you try rhyming "shadow". The point is this: Halloween is also Movember Eve. For those of you that don't know about Movember, it's a month of growing a moustache with donations to benefit testicular and prostate cancer research. My rugby club has done this for many years and, although I don't play any longer, I still participate in raising some coin for a cause I believe in and having some fun with my ex-teammates and friends. It seems to go over well in finance, especially with out of towners who don't know me as being mustachioed.

My Mo Space is right here; I'll be updating as we go through the month with some pics of myself as well as great staches in history. I'm currently displaying former Cubs' closer The Shooter Rod Beck and Iron Mike Ditka. So give early and give often; prostates and testicles all over the world need your support.

Seriously for a sec: a couple of my good friends went through treatments for testicular cancer and were incredibly lucky. It's a cause I feel very strongly about and it resonates with me. You don't have to donate to me, but have a look, have a read and support someone.

Da Coach

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Training Week That Was - 10/21 - 10/27

“Reality's all you've got. But here's the real secret, the real miracle: it's enough.” 

― Brad Warner, Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies and the Truth About Reality

By popular request, I'll start slipping in some of my diet as I've been getting some hits on Twitter asking about Carb Backloading.

Back Squat 60x3x2 90x3 110x2 125x2 140x2 150x5 130x5 135x5
(150 felt shitty, didn't warm up enough; not enough reps)
Front Push Press 50x3x2 75x2x2 87x2 92x5 97x4+1
Iso DB Fat Gripz OH Press 3x8 60lbs
DB "Chinese" Row 100lbsx8 110x8 115x8x2
GH Raise/Lat Pulldowns
Cal Back Ext/Curls for the Girls/Four Way Neck

High Hang Snatch (Max Double) 50x2x2 60x2 70x1 80x1 82x1 90x1 95x1 100x0x2 (made one @ 100) 97x0x1 - Down Sets 80x3x3
High Hang CJ (Max Double - Clean, Jerk, Drop, Clean, Jerk) 60x1x2 80x1x2 95x1 105x1 110x0x2 95x1
Down Sets (Three Cleans + Jerk the last rep) 90x1 95x1 100x1
Safety Squat Bar Squat 3x5 @ 120
BB Rollouts + Cal Back Ext - 5 Sets each
Weighted Planks 2x10+10
DB Side Bend 2x10

Light High Hang Clean Work (my timing is off, going to the toes way too early)
Behind Neck Strict Press 50x5 55x5 52x5 52x5
Chins 4x5
Axle Pendlay Rows 4x10 + Four Way Neck x100

10/25 (low "box" is 25kg plates, bar at about mid-shin)
Lower Box Snatch 40xsome 60x2x2 70x2 82x1x2 90x1 95x0 95x1 100x1 105x0x2 102x0x2
Down Sets 85x2 87x2x2
Lower Box CJ 50xsome 70x2 90x2 100x1 110x1 117x1 122xFJ 122x1
Down Sets (2 Cleans + 1 Jerk) 100x1 105x1 110x1
Front Squat up to 115x3 120x3x2
Cal Back Ext 5x10
Hanging Leg Raises and Reverse Hypers

Wake-Up @ 520am
Coconut Oil/Whey Isolate in a two shot Americano at 6:30
Another one at 9am
11am: Salad from Noodles and Co, Cioppino Stew, string cheese, 5g fish oil, 10g creatine
3pm: Coconut Oil/Whey/Coffee during training
6pm: PWO Shake: Two scoops of Muscle Feast Anabolic Recover w/ 5g creatine and leucine

Hourish Later:
Small bag of Surf Sweets Gummi Bears
One small spotted banana
30g Whey Isolate w/ Leucine and Creatine
Half a baked yam
Little bit of homemade chicken korma

Hourish After That
S'more/Chocolate Chip Cookie (gluten free, from my friend Claire at Simply Sweet Justice. Will post recipe when she posts it)
Small Bowl of Rice Krispies in Raw Milk (poor planning; ran out of cereal)
Shake w/ Leucine

10/26 - Off-Day Sample Nutrition
5:20 wakeup
One coconut oil/whey/coffee during the day, then mainline green tea the rest of the day
(I avoid coffee during off days after the first one to keep the caffeine down and diversify my sources. Plus green tea is wicked good for you and I'm fighting getting sick. If I'm blasting coffee and I miss a night or two of sleep, it fries it pretty quick. Plus our coffee at work is awful, so I prefer to make it at home in my Aeropress)
11:30am Cioppino + fish oil, string cheese and small salad
4:30pm Three eggs over easy in coconut oil and some leftover homemade barbacoa.
8:30pm More Cioppino and an epsom salt bath

Snatch 40x2x2 60x2x2 75x1x2 85x1x2 92x0x3 92x1 97x1 102x0x3
(bar kept getting too far out in front on 92. All wasted lifts.)
CJ 50x2x2 70x2x2 90x1x2 105x1 115x1 120x1 125x1 130x0x2
Clean Pulls 130x2x2 135x2 140x2 145x2 150x2

I'm being more mindful of my warmups. I'm guilty of coasting through them instead of really ripping them up, so I'm focusing on snapping them off. It definitely made me a little inconsistent as I got to limit weights, but I think it'll pay dividends in the future.

10/27 Nutrition
7am wake-up
Coffee, slug of coconut oil, creatine and whey
Coffee only pre/during training
Train 9-11:30am
Isolate/Creatine/Leucine PWO shake
90mins PWO(?): Chipotle Salad
330pm:  Garbanzo Greens Salad w/ all the veggies
7:00: Whey/Leucine shake, baked yam, another smore/choco chip cookie/adobo chicken w/ 5g fish oil
8:30: Whey/Leucine shake, bowl of Cocoa Krispies in raw milk, choco chip cookie

My longest sets of squats are sets of five and everything else is in a very low rep range, so I'm not really blowing through glycogen. My biggest mistake on my first go round of CBL was definitely overdoing my carbs; my backloads are pretty tame compared to what you'll read some people putting down. I also keep things as gluten free as possible, which was biggest mistake #2. Wheat and I are not friendly, especially in concentrated doses. About the only pastries that I get after during a backload are turnovers, baklava or Udi's Gluten Free muffins. Tip on the Udi's: DO NOT buy the ones from the freezer. Get the ones sitting out in the bakery section.

I'm also staying off the scale. I'll start sweating making weight (94kg = 207lbs) when I'm closer to meet day. When I hit the scale consistently, I tend to get fixated on the number rather than paying attention to my lifts and the mirror. In lieu of the scale, I'm using a pair of jeans as my "Fatass Barometer". Yes, dudes evaluate the fit of their jeans. I have a pair of 34" waist jeans that fit perfectly when I'm on point. If those start getting tighter, I know I need to either scale down my backloads or do more work.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Training Week That Was - 10/14-10/20

B Squat 135x2 145x5 150x5 155x5
Front Push Press 60x3 70x3 82x5 87x5 92x5
Iso DB Press w/ Fat Gripz 55x8 65x8 60x8
Chinese-style DB Row 95x8 100x8 110x8 115x8
Lat Pulldown/GH Raise superset
Back Raise/Neck/YWLT Raise/Curl (for the girls) superset

Snatch + Abv Knee Snatch 60x2x2 70x1x2 82x1 90x0 90x1 95x1 100x0x3 - 82x3x3
CL Pull + Abv Knee Clean 60x2x2 80x1x2 100x1 110x1 120x0x2
Pull+Abv Knee Pull+Abv Knee Clean 100x3
(This explains a lot about where my mind was: I actually cleaned for singles up to 115 before I realized I was supposed to be doing doubles, so I started over. Genius at Work)
Back Squat 110x5 120x5 125x5
Back Raise 5x10 - 40lbs
Ab Wheel 3x15
Rev Hyper 2x12

Behind Neck Strict Press 3x5x50
Chins - 25 reps
Lat Pulldown 4x10
KB Split Press 16x5 20x5 24x5
Fat Grip Batwings

Low Box Snatch 60x2x2 75x1x2 87x1 95x1 102x0x2 100x1 105x0x2 - 85x2 87x2 92x2
Low Box Clean 60x2x2 85x1x2 97x1 105x1 115x1 122x0x2 120x1 122x1 125x0x5 - 100x2 102x2 105x2
F Squat 112x3 117x3 120x3 125x3
Rev Hyper 2x20

10/19 (had to train four days straight because I have a charter exam for work all day Saturday)
Snatch up to 82x1 then 6x2 Snatch Pulls 90x2 100x2x2 110x2 115x2x2
Clean to 112x1 then 5x2 Clean Pulls 110x2 120x2 130x2x3
OH Squat (muscle snatch it up) 3x5@50 1x5@60

Trying to fix my clean pull as it has been going shitty for some time now. I still have fifteen weeks to go til Iceland, so plenty of time to fix it and get things in gear.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Training Week That Was (and Beerfest) - 10/7-10/13

Back Squat - 125x2 135x5 145x5 152x5 (PR)
Front Push Press - 70x5 80x5 85x5
Iso OHP - 45x8 55x8 60x8 (w/ Fat Gripz)
DB Rows 3x8
Fat Grip Batwings 5x10
GH Raises/YWLT Raises
Cal Back/Neck/Curls/Planks

Snatch + Abv Knee Snatch to 92x1 97x0x3 (made snatch, missed the hang x3)
Snatch + (Abv Knee Snatch x2) 82x3x3
Clean Pull + Abv Knee Clean to 115x1 120x0x2
Clean Pull + Abv Knee Pull + Clean 100x3x3
Back Squat 120x5 125x5 130x5
Cal Back 4x8
Planks/Hanging Leg Raise/GH Raise

I had a broker dinner this night, so I snuck in a quick upper back day at the Glendale YMCA. They have kettlebells in pairs up to maybe 48kg(?), two platforms, two squat racks and bumper plates. The bars are godawful, but you can't always get what you want. Highly recommend if you're in the Glendale area and need a decent place to train; plus, the rugby pitches are there and always open, so you have someplace to sprint.   

Low Box Snatch - 80x2 87x1 95x1 102x1 107x0 105x1
Doubles - 85-90-92
Low Box Clean - 95x1 105x1 115x1 122x1 127x0x2 125x1 
Doubles - 100x2x3
Front Squat - 110x3 115x3 120x3
Cal Back - 4x8 50lbs
Chinese Arches/Ab Wheel

Snatch - 70x2x1 80x1 82x1 92x1 97x1 100x1 105x1 (PR) 110x0x2
Clean -  70x2x2 90x2 100x1 112x1 120x0x2 122x0 115x1 120x1 
Reverse Hypers 1x15

So 10/12 was Great American Beer Fest in Denver. I'm not a massive fan of enclosed spaces with large numbers of hammered people, and I'm not a huge fan of getting smashed up, so I've never been. One of my training partners is an engineer and did some work for a new brewery (Hogshead) that named a beer after him (Barge's Mild), so he came across some tickets. So Friday basically involved beer drinking and walking around from 5-11pm. I do think I found a good protocol for minimizing the effects of a night out: epsom salt bath right before bed with some food (I went with Cocoa Krispies and leucine/whey shake), contrast shower when you wake up (mine was at 6am; finish on cold) and then back to sleep for another hour or two.

Two thoughts on Saturday's max day:
1. It's an illustration of "sometimes your best lifts come when you feel like shit". This is solely based on personal experience that I can lift OK on not much sleep as long as I make fewer attempts. The body can absorb a TON of stress and fight/flight pretty damn well. It's a risk/reward to consider and, as Jim Laird is fond of saying, you have to pay to play. I might have changed plans if it weren't a max day, but the whole purpose of the max day is to put some pressure on yourself, achieve the highest possible training effect and seek new records.

2. Missed opportunity. I smoked the 100 and 105. A well rested and recovered Kyle would have taken 110 for a better ride. The first try was my only really credible attempted; I Clark'd the shit out of the second one. I'm seeing both sides and trying not to dwell too hard on this aspect, as it's really early in my meet prep.

Having said all that, I'm gonna say this: you gotta live your life. This doesn't mean this "Work Hard, Play Hard/YOLO" bullshit that people like to use as an excuse to make some terrible choices. Catch phrases from a top-40 rap song are not justification for your shitty vices. Do some stuff and have some new experiences.

Quick Beerfest writeup - Beerfest Favs were both from the same brewery: Heavy Seas had both a Bourbon and a Cabernet beer that were AWESOME. They were the kind of beers that you want to drink on your porch at sunset, possibly with a cigar if you're into that sort of thing. They were LEGIT. I'm no connoisseur of beers, but I know what I like and what tastes good. If I want something drinkable, I'll go for whatever they have as far as Colorado craft beer or a black and tan. On the beach, I want all the Longboards I can find.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Training Week That Was - 9/30-10/6

An entire week free of back pain is a win in my book. I did get a little tweak on Sunday from the push-pressing, but I've been pain free the rest of the week. You'll notice I haven't been doing jerks at all; the overhead work seems to have been what was causing the spasms. I'll give it another week to let things heal up a bit more and then add jerks back in when I change exercises after this upcoming week. My contingency plan is to rotate split jerks if they continue causing issues.

B Squat up to 140x5
Back Push Press up to 90x5 95x4 (back locked up)
Iso DB OH Press 3x8
Hip Thrust vs Bands
Pulldowns/Iso Neutral-Grip Pulldown/YWLT 
Core x100 

10/2 - Complex(ish) Day
(Snatch + Abv Knee Snatch): 82x1, 87x0, 85x0.5 (made snatch, missed abv knee)
-Down Sets (Snatch+Abv Knee Snatch+Abv Knee Snatch) 70x3
(Clean Pull + Abv Knee Clean): to 115x1 
-Down Sets (Cl Pull+Abv Knee Pull+Clean) 90x3
Clean Pull 3x2
B Squat 120x5x3 
Hypers 4x12/Planksx60/Rev Hyper 1x20

10/3 - Upper Body Assistance Work (no squats, no quick lifts)
Chest Supported Row 4x10
Iso DB Bench + DB Chest Sup Row 3x10+10
Fatty Pullups 5x8
Pulldowns 4x8
Sled Drag Row - 2 trips
Pull Apart/4 Way Neck/Axle Curl x50 of each

Low Block* Snatch 70x2x1 80x1x2 85x1 90x1 92x0x2 92x1 95x1 97x1; Down Sets 80x2x3
Low Block* Clean  80x2x2 90x1x2 100x1 110x1 115x1 120x0x3; Down Sets 90x2 95x2x2
F Squat 110x3 115x3x2
Hypers 4x12
Rev Hyper 1x20

Snatch 80x1x2 87x1 92x0 92x1 97x0 97x1 99x0; Down Sets 80x2x2
Clean 80x2x2 95x1x2 107x1 115x1 120x1 125x0; Down Sets 100x2x2
Rev Hyper 1x20

(My low block here is a 10kg plate and a 25kg plate; bar started just below my patellar tuberosity. I think one more cycle with bar just a bit lower, then I'll move the box/hang work higher.)