Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gratitudes of the Day(s)

I owe for a couple days here.

1. Grateful that all my friends and peeps in the Midwest and South seem to be unscathed from all the crazy storms that have blown through the past few days. I was totally scared of tornadoes when I was a kid in Illinois and I'ver definitely carried over some of that into adulthood. I remember looking outside when I was really young and seeing a tree get yanked out of the ground by the wind. That definitely left an impression on me.

2. Grateful that the transmission in my truck seems to have been "fixed" by an oil change and topping off the transmission fluid. Fingers crossed on that one.

3. Very grateful to be taking my mom to the airport today for her trip to Australia. She is long overdue for an adventure and hopefully this gets her mojo working. She's giving a series of talks down there on parallels between Native Americans and the Aborigines. I'm hoping they video some of them and I'll get them posted on the YouTubes.

4. Grateful that Kaladi Bros opens in a little while. The water is out in my building and I need a little pre-gym caffeination. Highly recommend them to anyone in Denver looking for an unbelievable cup of coffee.

5. Grateful that the scale finally started moving in the right direction as I'm down to 209 this morning. Feels weird to say "I'm losing weight for throwing season." but that's the move. No desire to weigh 220-230 any more.

6. Very grateful to see some old teammates and friends at the CU/CSU rugby game today in Glendale. Go Rams!

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