I always do this thing at the end of the year where I take a look back and think about highlights and lowlights. I think it is good to be introspective and retrospective as long as you don't get caught up in the past and keep moving forward. It's the same reason I write; it helps to focus my thoughts (on everything really) and helps me to be constantly learning and (hopefully) improving myself as well as those around me.
-After two and a half years I finally got back onto a trading desk. I worked as a trader and research associate for a small asset manager all through business school but took an accounting job at the beginning of 2008 due to "market conditions" (to use the parlance of our times). This is progress back to where I was (and want to be) so I will take it as a win.
-I turned 30 (really?)
-Finished 3rd in SoCal's Strongest Man and set records in all of my Highland games
-I could not ask for a better network of friends and people in my life who I love and care about
-Reconnected with some people and had some excellent relationships begin (and end). I got more active on Twitter and this has had a profound impact on my thought processes with regards to my profession as well as training and my life as a whole.
-Became a vegetarian (more about that in previous posts)
-Embraced minimalism and explored Zen Buddhism
-I was asked to serve as a groomsman for two of my favorite people at their wedding
-Saw some excellent concerts and acts (#1 Henry Rollins/#2Cloud Cult/#3Social Distortion)
-Started volunteering at Judi's House as a companion for kids who have had a parent or other close relative die. This has stemmed from losing my father to Lou Gerhig's Disease at 7.
-Failed the Level 1 CFA exam
-I used the term "had" to describe relationships this past year.
-Sports hernia in September that still gives me some serious pain
I'd say the "Highs" have it! There are always some issues but I have ended the year much richer and wiser for all the experiences of 2010. What am I looking forward to in 2011?
-A trip back to Chicago to see family and hopefully connect with some new people
-Passing my CFA and CMT exams (and possibly the CAIA depending on timing?)
-Travel (knowledge without mileage equals bullshit; thank you Henry Rollins)
-Continued success in my athletic endeavors
-Continue to deliver value to clients and my firm
-My friends' wedding
-Expanding my network of friends and colleagues and adding value to their lives through this blog and anything else that I can do to be of service.
The idea of being stale is an issue with me; after all sharks die if they stop moving. The world and your life and experiences shouldn't be stale; they should be exactly what you want. I think of myself as a work in progress; one that will continue to evolve in 2011.
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