Saturday, August 10, 2013

Catch up time: Training Week(s) - 7/8 - 8/10

Little catch-up time here. I'm starting to transition out of the Catalyst program and back into some of writing my own programming, with a bit of idea generation from Lifthard as well as Glenn Pendlay and the folks at Muscledriver.

Clean Grip Snatches are definitely a staple in my snatch warm-ups. Really liking the carryover to the second and third pulls as well as implied shoulder mobility work. Try them: just hang snatch with a clean grip (empty bar) for a few reps, the go back to your regular snatch grip. It feels like the pull gets cut in half. Nice little trick.

CFTS Abs/Sots Press
Front Squat to 140x1
Snatch - empty bar x30 to 82x2x2 92x2 100x0x2 85x1 02x0 97x0 80x2x4
Sn DL to Knee/Knee to Hip/Full Pull (2+2+1; all floating) - 110x1x2 120x1x3
-3x1 @ 120 full pull only
B Sqt to 152x1x2 then 4x3 @ 125
GM - 95x5x2 105x1
BW Lunges and Lu Raises

GH Raises/Duck Walk/Clean Grip Snatch/Sots Press/Gymnastic Stuff
B Squat to 160x1
Sn Pull + Hang Pwr Sn + OH Sqt - 75x1x4 80x1x2
Pwr Cl + F Sqt + Jerk - 100x1x3 110x1x3
Snatch PP - 80x5 90x5x4
F Sqt to 125x1 then 3x3 @ 100
KB Swing + DB Press + Behind Neck Pullup (band assisted) - 3x15 each

CFTS Abs/Planks/Duck Walks/Handstands/Behind Neck Pulldown
F Sqt to 145x1
CJ to 100x1x2 110x1x3 120x1x2 120xFJx2
(2+1) 100x1 110x1 115xFJ
DL to Knee/Pull to Hip/Pull (2+2+1) - 140x1x5

CFTS/Duck Walks/Sots/Behind Neck Pulldown/Cal Back Ext
B Sqt to 140x1
Jerk - (100x3/110x2/110x1)x3
Pwr Cl - 90x2 100x2x2 90x2x2
Push Press - 75x5x4

7/13 (total mess; last day of squatting multi times per day)
F Sqt to 135x1
Snatch to 85x1, 95x0
CJ to 100x1
B Sqt to 100x1
GM 3x5 @ 75

Abs/Sots Press/Clean Grip Sn/Chinese High Pull
Snatch (82x2 87x1 92x1) x3
Sn Pull + Chinese Rebend - 100x3 110x3 110x3 120x3
B Sqt - 120x2 130x2 140x1 120x2
GM - 100x5x3
Lu Raises + Death Marches

CFTS/Handstands/Behind Neck Pulldown/
Pwr Snatch - 70x2x2 80x2x2 80x2x2
Pwr CJ - 80x2 90x2 100x2x3
F Sqt to 120x1, 110x2x3
Leg Ext/Chins/Side Bends

CFTS/Handstands/Leg Ext/GH Raises/Clean Grip OH Sqt
CJ - (95x2+1/105x1/110x1) x3
C Pull + Rebend - 120x3x3
B Sqt to 140x1
Paused - 100x3x3
GM - 95x5x2 100x5 105x5
Lu Raise + Death March

7/18 (Borked; training four days in a row seems to be very disagreeable)
Clean Grip Snatch/KB Windmills/CFTS/Sots Press/Russian Balances
Jerks - bunch of singles at 100
Pwr Cl - bunch at 80 and 90
Pendlay Rows

Snatch - 40-60-80-90-100x1x2 107x1 (PR!) 110x0
CJ - 60-80-90-105-115-110-120x1x2 - 122xFJ
Behind Neck Press - 3x10 @ 45kg

Jerk Balance - to 85x1x5
Jerk to 122x1x3
Jerk Drives to 125 for some triples

Duck Walks/Russian Balances/Planks/Abs/Chinese Stretch
Sn - 40-60-80x2 80x1 87x1 95x1 102x0 - (90x1, 95x1)x3
CJ - 50-70-90x1x3 105x1x2 110x1 120x1x3 - (110x1x8)
Sn Pull + Rebend - 120x2x4
F Sqt to 110x2 110x2x3

Heavy Pulldown Abs/Cal Back
Hang Pwr Sn to 70x2 80x2x2 70x2x4 75x2x2
Hang Pwr Cl - 80x2 90x2 100x2x3
- messed up and pwr cleaned doubles up to 100 before I realized it's supposed to be high hang
Behind Neck Press 3x10 @ 40
Arches - 25-40-40-40
Pendlay Rows - 3x10 @ 60

Close Grip Snatch/Russian Balance/Jerk Balances
Snatch to 90x1x3 then 80x2x3
CJ to 110x (2+1)
Sn Pull - 110x3x2 130x2x3

7/25 - totally borked; seeing a trend on Thursdays?
Pwr Sn - 60x1x6
B Sqt to 125x5x4
Cl Pull to 145x1

7/27 - Coached so I barely trained. Just muscle cleaned a bit.

Snatch - to 90x1 95x1x2 then 80x3x3 (1 full snatch + 2 high hang snatches)
CnJ - to 110x1 120xpressout 120xFJx2 then 100x(2+1) x3
B Sqt - 125x5x5
Cl Pull - 130x3 140x3x2 150x3x3
Snatch Push Press - 85x5x5
Lateral Raises and Lunges

KB Windmill/Abs/Russian Balances
Abv Knee Snatch to 90x1x2 95x1x2 100x1 102x1x2/ 7x2 @ 80kg
Snatch Balance - 5x3@ 70 (haven't done these in YEARS)
SN Pull from Deficit, two pauses - 100x3x5
Block Pull plus Rebend - 100x3x6
Chinese Rows/Lunges

Pulldown Abs/Windmills/Muscle Clean
Hang CnJ - 110xFJx3 then (1 clean + 2 jerks) 90x1x6
F Sqt - 115x3x5
C Pull plus Rebend - 6x3 @ 120
Behind Neck Jerk - 90x1x8
Front Push Press - 80x3x5

Chins/Snatch Press/Jerk Balances
B Sqt - 6x3 @ 135kg
Sn to 90x1x3
CJ to 105x1x4
Strict Press and Pendlay Rows - 5x5 each

Snatch to 90x1x2 97x0x2 90x1 95x1 100x1
CnJ to 115x1 125x1 (clean only) 130x0 120x1x2
Sn Pull - 120x3x5
Block Pull + Rebend - 120x3x5
Jerk Supports to 110x3x4

B Sqt to 152x5 (5RM) (There was more here. I think my best is 165 or 170, so not far off. Shooting for 190x5 by end of 2013)
Push Press to 85x5 (15% off my best; explains why my jerk is so shit)
Cl Pull from Deficit - 145x3 157x3x4
Snatch Balance 75x3x5
Bent Rows (sloppy) to 60x10/85x10/102x5x3

8/5 (Little girl at the gym started crying when I dropped a bar warming up and I still feel bad about it. Sorry kiddo, my bad.)
Snatch to 70x2 70x1 80x1x3 90x1x3 95x1 then 85x3 85x2 80x1
CnJ - to 115x1x2 then 100x2x3
B Sqt - 5x5 @ 132
CL Pull + Rebend - 120x3x2 130x3x2 140x3
Snatch Push Press - 80x5 85x5 90x5x2
Dips/Plate Raises/Lunges/Prowler Walk

Russian Balance/Armbar/Windmill/Snatch Press
Snatch + Overhead Squat - to 80x1x3 87.5x1 90x0x2 (made snatch, missed squat), 90x1x2 (snatch only) then (Snatch x2 + OH Sqt x2) 70x1x2 75x1x2 80x1x2
Snatch Balance - to 70x3x2 80x2 90x0/ 70x2x2 80x2x6
Sn Pull - 115x3x6
Box Pull + Rebend - 110x2x3 115x2x3 120x2x3
Dips/Prowler Walk/Pulldowns

Jerk Balance/Behind Neck Split Press
Clean + F Sqt + Jerk to 100x1 110x1 120xFJx2 120x1
-(1 clean + 2 jerks) to 100x1x2 105x1x3
F Sqt - 115x3x6
Cl Pull - 140x3x6
Behind Neck Jerk - 105x1x8
Front Push Press - 75x3x4 85x3x2

B Squat 6x3 @ 102kg
Snatch to 80x1 85x1

Snatch to 90x1x2 95x0 95x1 100x0 100x1
CnJ to 105x1x3

SMOKED. Been getting up at 4am for work all week and it caught up to me. On the plus side I fixed a couple kinks in my clean and snatch pulls, so that's a victory.

That gets us all caught up! I'll start logging my usual Sunday to Saturday format from now on.

I'm back to writing my own programming, with some suggestions along the way. I'm back to the schedule I was on last fall (Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sat/Sun). The rest days spread out a bit more evenly leads to higher quality work. I'm training with an eye towards a meet in November. Right now my intention is to have a snatch day, a clean and jerk day, a squat/strength day, a snatch/cnj/strength day and a snatch/cnj only day. Pulling on all of the days except for the snatch/CnJ only say, which will almost always be on Saturday. I'm also going back to Glenn Pendlay's application of the Texas Method to weightlifting with 3-5x3-5 back squats on Tuesday, 3-5x3 front squats on Thursday and trying to new 5RM back squats on Sundays. Basic schedule looks like this:

Tues - Snatch/CnJ/Back Squat/strength work (classic work here will be off blocks, power work, hang work, etc)
Wed - Snatch-specific
Thurs - CnJ Specific/Front Squat
Sat - Max Snatch and CnJ (lower in volume, higher in intensity)
Sun - Back Squat and Push Press for 5RMs, strength work

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